Team Building, Strategy, and Prayer
April 18, 2018
3 things that we are focusing on this year at World Missions and Evangelism, are Team Building, Strategy, and Prayer. WME started 30 years ago this year, and as we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of this Missions Organization, it is also a time for looking toward the future. One of my prayers this year has been, “Lord, let WME move fully into the purpose that you have for us this year!” I believe the Lord is answering that prayer. The vision that birthed this ministry in 1988 was a global vision of serving as a true help toward the process of finishing the Great Commission. God is causing this vision to come to fruition, I believe. He is helping us connect with key partners in the task in other ministries and agencies. We are a part of the Accelerate network that is helping equip people to use the Disciple Making Movement strategy more effectively worldwide. You can get so many training resources by checking out their website: We are also beginning to connect with the 2414 movement (For more info check their website at: ). This coalition is aimed at engaging every people group in the world with a Church Planting Movement/Disciple Making Movement strategy by the end of 2025. Here at WME we are affirming that goal and linking our efforts to see it become a reality. So the goal and vision of WME is very clear: Serve the Lord and Serve His People in a way that is aimed at finishing the Great Commission. We want to help engage all peoples by 2025 and we pray to see closure on the Commission within 15 years. We know that is an audacious goal…but we have a Big God Who can do anything.
The way we are hoping to move this forward is 3 fold.
First, we are focusing on Team Building this year. One of our prayers is that God would bring the people that we need to work with and partner with to us. We see God doing this. Team building is happening in the INSTAR project (focused on all of Latin America and the Caribbean) and the SEASTAR project (focusing on Southeast Asia) and in what I am loosely calling our NORTHSTAR project (focused on reaching North America with the DMM strategy). The other regions of the world are also on our scope! Second, we are focusing on Strategy. What are the most effective ways to move forward toward the goals. Here we are so excited about learning from Learn Academy and with our friends and partners that we are networking with in both Accelerate and 2414. Third, and actually first in priority, is Prayer. We are emphasizing prayer, because all of this is God’s work and cannot be done apart from Him. We want to take a step forward in prayer this year. We want to Pray more. We want to Pray more effectively. We want to engage more people in prayer. Would you be a part of the prayer team to see Every People become Obedient Disciples to Jesus? If you are not already part of the online Prayer team for WME, send me an email and ask to be added. Each week you will receive a small prayer list, to help focus your prayers on the most urgent needs that WME is addressing in the Disciple Making Movement that is happening.
To join the prayer team and get the weekly prayer update, just email me at:
Thanks for reading and thanks for praying!
World Missions & Evangelism, Inc.
PO Box 790
Benton, KY 42025
Phone: (270) 527-9445
Fax: 888-247-6794

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