Elbin Castillo
My name is Elbin Castillo, I have been married to a wonderful woman, Wendy
Santana, for 22 years. We have four children: Nicole Marie (20), Miguel Elias (16),
Jose David (13), and Amy Elizabeth (11). We both, along with some other leaders,
planted Comunidad Cristiana de Restauración in 2002.
Our Mission:
We proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and serve individuals holistically, seeking
their spiritual, physical, cognitive, and emotional restoration.
The main vision of the Christian Community of Restoration is to reach out to the lost
and to restore lives in a holistic way. From humble beginnings, the church took the
initiative to make a difference, and has consistently grown and matured to operate
multiple ministries that are transforming the community child by child, family by
family, block by block.
CCR is a church that loves community and that strives to gather for the study of
God’s word, fellowship, retreating and serving. It can be characterized by the
frequent encounters, retreats, excursions and activities it develops for the edification
of the body and exercise of the mission of God.The church’s origins are traced back
to its passion and concern for the vulnerable and marginalized.
Our Neighborhood
The community of Villa Duarte has a population of approx. 60,000 and is located in
East Santo Domingo, one of the municipalities of the capital city. Villa Duarte was
formerly a neighborhood of fishermen and sailors (there is naval base in the
neighborhood). Small home businesses, buying and selling, and informal services
are the base of the neighborhoods economy. The church is surrounded by many
marginalized barrios such as: La Francia, Simoníco, Maquiteria, La Cañada, Los
Pinos, La Laguna and others, where there are all sorts of needs and problems such
as: extreme poverty, malnutrition, alcoholism, drug addiction, drug dealing, riots,
theft, gambling, uncollected garbage, illiteracy, gangs, and murders. Villa Duarte has
one of the highest rates of single mothers in the municipality. Villa Duarte is also
known as one of the most visited drug-trafficking points of the city.
Some of our ministries:
Child Survival Program:
Water Purification System:
Health Center:
Vocational School:
Future Initiatives:
- A bilingual school where impoverished children can receive an excellent
education based upon christian principles.
● A home for the marginalized elderly, where they will receive basic needs of
food, housing and medication, and live with love and dignity.
● A rehabilitation center where drug addicts can hear the healing message of
freedom in Christ, and learn a vocation to aid them as they reenter society.
● Plant three new churches in the next 3-5 years.
● A retreat center on our property in the countryside, where adults and youth
can get away from a hostile home environment and learn about Christ.
Visit Our CCR Website Here!
Please send donations to
“World Missions and Evangelism”
P.O. Box 790
Benton, KY 42025
Preference Account #207
Elbin Castillo
World Missions & Evangelism, Inc.
PO Box 790
Benton, KY 42025
Phone: (270) 527-9445
Fax: 888-247-6794